We provide a great flexibility for dynamics startups and spin-offs

EnCata is a one-stop-shop development company and Technopark and we provide a full development hardware + software service and manufacturing serive for IoT, robotics, aerospace, MedTech and deep-tech startups. We typically work with funded startups at pre-seed (product development) and seed stage (market entry).

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A home for IoT and deep-tech founders building the future

We understand all the hurdles and challenges that every entrepreneur and startup face when designing an IoT or hardware. Our one-stop service aims to address the wide gap in software and hardware integration and physical product development and manufacturing.


Affordable prices

Since we are based in E.Europe, we provide our premium services at 1/3 of the price compared to domestic design consultancies.


Have full IP ownership

All generated IP (technology, CAD models, source code, engineering documentation, etc.) belongs to our customers.


Your extended team

EnCata is your extended team with deep expertise. With us you can allocate resources when needed, while minimizing overhead and HR costs.

Innovation development processes used in EnCata

Uniquely, EnCata has developed a single, unified and complete development flow to maximize the startup's chances of success and that is why we called "Engineering Catalyst" that suits best startups that are involved in creating connected devices and systems.
We typically work with funded startups at both the pre-seed (product development) and seed/round A stages.
Electrical engineering

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PCB design and prototyping, PLC programming and industrial automation, PF design, Battery management systems (BMS)
Mechanical design

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metal structures; drives, gearboxes and suspension units; pneumatics and hydraulics; robotics and complex kinematics
Industrial design

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design sketching; competitors analysis, ergonomics and special human factors, solid and surface modelling
Design for manufacturing

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injection molding, metal bending and welding, CNC machining, wiring and assembling.

Engagement development models

We have a full service facility in E. Europe with 60+ engineers in all necessary areas from mechanical and electronics, to manufacturing engineers. Our cost-structure and is such that we are targeting only 1/3 of the price compared to similar design houses in Boston, London or Bay area.

Time + Materials

A perfect engagement for agile product development and on-demand consultancy. T&M allows one to rapidly scale up and down your commitment.

  • On demand consultancy
  • Research projects and R&D
  • Early stage engineering / product development
  • Rapid and first-time physical prototype manufacturing
  • Physical prototype assembly
  • Firmware development
  • Tests and design validation

Fixed Price

Suitable for small projects with clearly defined objectives and milestones. Typically little client involvement is required

  • Clearly defined small (non-R&D) projects
  • Tough project timeframe and urgency premium
  • Software MVPs and early software prototypes
  • Appropriate to use on Discovery and SOW development
  • Engineering documentation development
  • Batch-production and volume manufacturing

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At EnCata, what kinds of contracts do you use? Is it a fixed-term or an agile contract?
Can you provide me with a certification of competence?
What level of training do your specialists have?
Is it possible for us to cooperate with EnCata’s team?
Is it possible to discuss the project with your technical team?
Can EnCata facilitate mass production?
Do you sign NDAs?
Patent or Develop first?
Does EnCata outsource electronics services?
Do you write program code, either software or firmware?
Are there hardware engineers in your team?
What should I do now that I've approached you with my project idea?
Can EnCata help me with fundraising?