EnCata invented and developed a new technology - CUBY CONSTRUCTION. It allows large-scale rapid housing development and modular architecture with repeatable manufacturing quality, comfort and low cost.
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Project duration:
30 months
Current construction process is highly dependent on labor quality and costs. Additionally, house project development is plagued with logistical delays and bottlenecks, which requires additional time and expenditures. The common house design and development is essentially an artisan process craving technology innovation and still allows a great room for house customization.
Another problem that the construction industry experiences is reproducibility. Simply put, the two identical design houses built by the side will have distinct discrepancies.
Modern modular construction technology only partially solves the above challenges.
EnCata’s engineering R&D team, while developing the CUBY CONSTRUCTION technology, faced a number of the following challenges and technical contradictions:
High precision parts manufacturing (e.g. columns, beams), which is uncommon in the construction sector.
Designing a light-weight roof and floor structures, while ensuring good tensile strength and stiffness.
Effective drainage from a flat roof.
Conventional decoration materials and technologies are unsuitable for modular construction in a factory environment.
Smart house IoT devices, HVAC ducts, sewer and water pipes should be pre-fabricated and come as parts of the construction module.
Our Role
New construction technology development
Architecture design
Structural and seismic simulations
Thermophysics and insulation simulations
HVAC development
CFD and airflow computer simulations
Engineering R&D
CAD development
Electrical engineering
Custom tooling and industrial Jig development
Modules prototyping
IoT development (smart house)
Smart home IoT firmware development
Custom software development
Prototype construction & development
Technologies Used
CUBY modular construction technology
LoRA Wan
Plasma metal cutting CNC
Laser cutting CNC
Metal bending CNC
Cable management
FEA/FEM analysis
EnCata offers comprehensive hardware and IoT product development services at a fraction of the cost
For Enterprises
• R&D + design + manufacturing under ONE roof • Scale up and down your team • Intergrated hardware + software development • New technologies and research
The new construction technology developed by EnCata’s engineers requires very little effort from both the architect's standpoint and needs no ancillary construction resources in the field.
The developed concept revolved around the paradigm to enable a Mobile Manufacturing Plants (“Cells”) to deploy in the proximity of a construction site.
Manufacturing house modules with jigs reduce tooling and labor costs incurred. Any construction project, embracing modular design saves time and costs for the transport and installation of individual building elements.
Such a shift from conventional "megafactories” with large fixed overheads and logistics challenges can be enabled by using new design and innovation management practices. In the CUBY project we build the whole concept around the LEAN manufacturing approach, borrowed from the automotive industry. It shares common characteristics and practices, such as:
Quality control, conveyor approach, precision kit of parts design and manufacturing methods.
The use of the single platform for all possible designs.
Supply chain: not to compete with market participants, but to partner with them, democratize the industry and add value on every step of the manufacturing and assembly process.
Create an intuitive system of customer interaction based on 3D models and AR / VR approach to house design and sales process.
The technology combines custom hardware modules with construction design software (an artificial intelligence (AI)
and a custom self-learning neural network that helps the design, construction and operation process. These modules embed a series of standardized pre-manufactured elements and sub-assemblies that are put together as LEGO blocks.
COBY Module components include:
1. external and internal walls
2. floor / ceiling cassettes
3. communication infrastructure
4. bathroom and kitchen units
5. water and sewage pipes
6. electrics
7. exterior and interior decor
Such design allows these modules to be rapidly assembled on the construction site as a ‘kit’, decreasing labor input by around 60%.
The CUBY Light technology is ideal for the implementation of large neighborhood housing programs and for solving housing shortages quickly and affordably. Using the “factory on the wheels” paradigm one can produce a ready-to-install solution on site, outperforming traditional design and construction approaches time-wise, cost-wise and quality-wise.
The CUBY ‘house kit’ consists of a durable metal frame, which is completely encapsulated in a thermally insulated cassette of PIR panels. The floor infill slabs are made of wooden panels with the required sound insulation and structural performance. The engineering development fully complies with EU quality standards.
EnCata’s design also significantly reduced the construction cost for the client due to the manufacturing production model being deployed for these house-building elements harnessing standardization (although still capable of some external and internal customization) and with the added benefit of a constant factory quality being achieved.
The CUBY CONSTRUCTION technology brings a number of benefits and innovation:
Faster house assembly (1 week).
Sustainable design that has a 70% lower carbon footprint.
No in-situ wet cement-based and plastering works.
Higher thermal insulation (R = 60).
Reduced costs for building maintenance.
Higher corrosion resistance.
Ensured quality and delivery time due to embedded LEAN manufacturing approach.
Higher building fire-resistance.
Pests and living organisms cannot infest the integrated pre-manufactured CUBY modules.
Results and Benefits
EnCata’s design engineering and R&D team developed a new construction technology. The project started from the concept development, followed by engineering R&D, extensive computer simulations, and parts/modules prototyping.
The project covered various aspects of civil and mechanical engineering, Internet of Things (IoT), structural performance of materials and design for manufacturing. As a result, a huge chunk of patentable IP (intellectual property) was generated for the client and a 2100 square foot (200 square meters) family house was built as a technology prototype/demonstrator.
This prototype enabled extensive testing of various parts, modules and concepts for modular CUBY CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY.
30 months
took the engineer to develop the technology and POC house prototype
saving on labor costs in house manufacturing & construction