EnCata met with representatives of TUBITAK Marmara Technopark in Turkey. EnCata is currently exploring prospective cooperation with Turkish technoparks, engineering companies and tech startups. EnCata representatives had several useful and promising meetings.
During the visit to Istanbul EnCata’s CEO Oleg Kondrashov discussed with Turkish colleagues ways to develop innovative products and the importance of startup ecosystem. Turkish audience was interested in EnCata’s international experience in the hardware startups development, including the experience in engineering high-tech solutions and devices. Much discussion during the meeting with heads of TUBITAK Marmara Technopark was devoted to the question how to transform innovative ideas and laboratory research into the prototypes, innovative products and ready for market technology.
CEO of EnCata Oleg Kondrashov: "Turkey is a big country with a lot of engineers, scientists, skilled and educated people. There are a lot of great opportunities in Turkey for international high-tech businesses, as well as for our company".